Stratego game strategies
Stratego game strategies

However, they are particularly good for bluffing (as there are no less valuable pieces to attack them with to call the bluff), and for flag scouting or spy scouting (as the opponent's flag and spy are more easily exposed). In quick games, scouts are good for 3 of the 4 things that they are good for in classic Stratego, not including actual scouting. If your opponent's flag could be in the corner defended by both bombs, you should probably save your miners until you get a chance to attack the corner, but if your opponent's flag could not be in the corner defended by both bombs, using 1 miner to make a good guess as to where a bomb might be may not be a bad idea. In quick games, it is best to save your miners (or at least 1 of them), as people often use both bombs to protect their flag. One can use both bombs to protect their flag and attempt to capture both of the opponent's miners, one can place bombs in unexpected places as to try to make their opponent blow up a high ranking piece, or one can do a little of both. There are 3 types of strategies regarding bomb placement in a quick game. When being used for defense, it is generally paired with the spy as to ensure that if defeated by the opponent's marshal, that marshal can then be defeated by the spy. In general, people use their general for defense, and this is generally a good idea, at least until you know where your opponent's marshal is (or at least have a generally good guess of the general area where your opponent's marshal is). Since many people would expect it and attack with their spy, it is not the wisest idea to send in your marshal first, unless you have a good idea where your opponent's spy is, or if you send it in at the same time as another piece as to confuse your opponent as to which piece to attack.ĭefensive strategies with your marshal can also work, if you leave your marshal somewhere generally close to your flag, and wait for your opponent to send pieces closer. In quick games, since there are only 7 moveable pieces, if you think that a piece is your opponent's marshal, go ahead and attack it, because even if you attack a random moveable piece, you have a 1 in 7 chance of attacking your opponent's marshal, and another 1 in 7 chance of attacking their spy. The 2 most common spy placement strategies in quick games are placing the spy directly behind a lake, and placing the spy directly behind or next to the general, but since these are so common, it is actually usually better to put the spy somewhere unexpected. One can either place their flag behind bombs and attempt to capture both of the opponent's miners, or one can place the flag somewhere unexpected, and hope to find the opponent's flag first. There are 2 types of strategies regarding flag placement in a quick game.


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stratego game strategies

Devise a plan to capture your opponents flag.

stratego game strategies

The classic game of battlefield strategy. This is possibly the most complex style of play to learn, as there are many nuances to defending and attacking effectively in the end game.See also List of Quick Game Setups and Strategies. Command your Army, devise plans using strategic attacks and clever deception Be the first player to capture the other Armys flag to win For ages 8 and up. This is when most pieces are known or suspected and the play is more like chess, where using movement tactics are critical. Also, this is a common phase to send out miners as high piece bluffs, to either waste the opponents scouts or to find strategic bombs (or even the flag).

stratego game strategies

attacking on 2 or 3 lanes simultaneously). The use of multi pronged attacks can be quite valuable (e.g. This part of the game involves a mixture of bluffing, maneuvering, attacking and scouting. possible bomb formations) and key pieces have become known, strongly suspected or captured (e.g. This is when the shape of the opponents battlefield starts to come in view (e.g. When played by the same people, Poker (card game), WeiQi (Asian board game) &. Using good educated guesses about what kind of piece your opponent has is an important skill. Poker, WeiQi, Stratego - three classic games of strategy. For example, often each opponent will bring down a single piece in the lane to attack or scout. Stratego Original - New Version - Battlefield Strategy Game Expedited Shipping 14.99. Also, the use of educated guesses to attack and defend are key. New Stratego Original Battlefield Strategy Game 2016 Sealed.

stratego game strategies

Deception and information gathering are key components of the early game. Normally, many lower pieces are used to scout the opponents setup. Higher risks are often taken at this stage of the game to gain information. This part of the game is the period where information between opponents is minimal, and where the style of the player (e.g.

Stratego game strategies